Controlling blood pressure is one of the important factors to lead a healthy life.  Elevated blood pressure is named a silent killer, named after it’s correlation for to many of the cardiovascular complications.

High blood pressure is related to strokes, myocardial infarctions, renal impairment and peripheral vascular disease.

So, you have to

(a)     Diagnose: as early as possible, as no symptoms in early hypertension and may be no symptoms at all. Sometimes the 1st symptoms are those of complications. So, you have to measure your blood pressure routinely once you are 40 years old or more. Sometimes you need to measure it earlier than 40 years for examples in pregnant women, or in medical checkup for any other medical cause. Or if you have family history of hypertension.

(b)     Stick: to doctors order to control your weight, diet, exercise advise from your doctor

(c)     Stick: to your medication: medical treatment for high blood pressure is a lifelong treatment. Any complaints from medicines, don’t stop medications and discuss with your doctor. He may explain for you, find another cause for your complains or change medications.

(d)      You have to confirm with your doctor that your blood is control to the Goal, namely below 140/90 mmHg. This golden figure that protect your heart and brain from high blood pressure complication. So, keep following with your doctor until he tells you that your blood pressure is ok, fine and know below or at the target level.



Wishing you all, best of luck and good health…waiting for any questions

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